Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So Coincidental

I have these rare feelings.  These feeling that make me just want to crawl into bed, and hide under the covers from whatever is making me feel this way.   It sits in my stomach.  Makes me feel uncomfortable.  And, sadly, a little frightened.  Everytime I've had it, something, or someone ends up dying within a week.  I've had it with three animals, and two people.  I had my first one with the family bird.  I was heading to the dentists with my ex-dad, and I mistook the feeling that I had for the dentist.  The bird died while I was getting novacane for the pain. 
Second time, I was looking up criminal record of my father, to see if he had one.  I had a bad feeling at around eleven in the morning, I figured it was me realizing that I had no right to see if my dad was hiding a crime from me, and that I should just leave it alone.  An hour later and a little over half an hour later, my dog got hit by a car. 
Third time, my dog was jumping around, and sitting in my lap.  I was struck by the feeling while having him in my lap while I read a book on the couch.  I figured it was because of the test coming up, though I never usually worry about tests.  I ended up studying double time for it.  A few days later, my dog died. 
With people, it might have been me just predicting death for the helluva it.  Too bad I don't do that.  I was sitting in my bed reading, when I suddenly didn't want to do anything on Wednsay.  I walked out of my room and annouced that something was going to happen Wednsday that I was not going to like to my family.  A day later, I heard that we were having picture day.  I hate pictures.  So I figured that was it.  On Wednsay, my best friends grandma died. 
I had a bad feeling while I was watching BONES on the computer with my sis, and Ithought I was stressing about having another day of my drama filled school.  Next night, me and my sister were again watching BONES, when we got a call from our aunt.  Our grandmother had passed away a that night. 
I think it was probably just lucky guesses that didn't actually bring luck, but I'm still unsure.  I don't know what to think of it.  I've told only one person about the majority of these events, and she now gets scared when I say I don't feel good.  I don't know.  I'm hoping typing this all up will clear my head a bit.

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