Friday, April 22, 2011

Weather For Spring

WE have been getting a lot of rain where I am, and I love it.
Alomst everyone in my house doesn't like the rain.  My mother was furious when I went outside in the rain before school and went to school, soaked.   My teachers just shook their heads and threw there hands up in the air.  "You're crazy." 
I don't care.  I am me.  Some say I am brilliant, wise, stupid, stubborn, crazy, dark, dangerous, and creative.   Thing is, I don't change one bit.  I am still me.  People are just giving opinions on what they think about me being me. 
So you can label me with any word, name, or cuss word.  I still will be me, and that's all that matters to me.  Your opinions don't effect me, because I still will be me. 

Back on topic.  We are on Spring Break, and it is raining with wind and thunder.  Which I don't mind one bit.  My family does though, which is normal for them.  My teachers all hated the idea of rain, which is ridiculous.  But they all think the same.  So they all hate the same thing.  Which is disappointing, really.  You would think there would be one teacher of mine that thought outside the box, but no. 

Shame.  But at least the rain can wash away my dissappointment.

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